Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What's it all about?

Autotheism does not belong to any specific religion, nor does it belong in the realm of agnosticism or atheism, though it does encompass all of the above. At the most mundane level it is the belief that we are responsible for our own reality. The belief that the way we think and interpret the world has a profound effect on what our reality becomes.

At the most mystical level, it is the development of the understanding that we are our own God and always have been. That we are the creators of our own Universe. That the still small voice which speaks to us in the darkness comes from within, and is not only God but Us at the same time.

Autotheism is not Solipsism. The difference is primarily in so much that although Autotheism recognizes that that we project our own unconscious onto everyone and everything around us, and our relationship with it is for the most part a relationship with a part of ourselves, Autotheism asserts there are in actuality other minds behind these projections which do have their own independent existence. However, it's commonly difficult for any of us to see past our own projections.

Autotheism encourages each person to reflect on what their relationships represent within themselves and their narrative. This is the epitome of the phrase "Know Thyself!"

Autotheism recognizes belief as the foundational element of any subjective reality. In so much as belief is acceptance, the very acceptance of one conviction over another modifies our own worldview and interpretation of it's events. This in turn effects our emotions, attitude, actions and our deliberate inaction... and ultimately our realities.

Belief, or acceptance, is the paint we use to color the inner world of our subjective reality. What we accept as true about ourselves, our self-image, is a major portion of that paint. This along with what we accept as true about the world become the raw materials of how we build our internal narrative, and our internal narrative becomes the model from which all actions are made.

Key to Autotheism is the assumption that we are more than our individual selves. Even our individual selves are composed of many other elements. We also share a commonality with all other humans, and ultimately all lifeforms. Individually we can see evidence of this by going to a family meal and noticing the striking similarities of not just physical appearance but also psychological dispositions.

Considering this for a while can lead one to a sense of selflessness. This is not a selflessness that is self-deprecating, but neither is it one that places one self over another... it can also be described as a sense of equality with those around you. Equally free to be whomever they feel driven to be.

Viewing oneself in this way, as a simple combination of traits can lead one to realize that there is indeed more to them than this. Though many of us tend to identify "who we are" by those traits, realizing that others have different combination of those same traits leads us to look deeper inside ourselves for an unique sense of identity or Id-Entity.

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