Saturday, September 10, 2011

Orbitofrontal Cortex and Emotional Value

As a armchair historian and anthropologist, I enjoy reading about new discoveries in our evolution. This article in Discover Magazine is a very interesting read. But what popped out to me was the following quote:

The orbitofrontal cortex is a crucial node in our emotional network, where neurons assign value to things and can tamp down or ramp up our automatic responses of fear and delight.

So the connections made by these neurons make up the current value system of you or I which modifies or regulates our automatic responses into something more stable... Disassociation probably occurs here, as values start to change starkly when faced with danger of some sort.

Now imagine those neuron connections being subject to the neuroplasticity of the brain.. and how they change... I practice daily exercising these values... it can be difficult, but when one does, one begins to understand the underpinning of their emotional state.

As an addition... the Christian practice of forgiveness seems to be one of the methods in which to effect this part of the brain... resulting in less automatic reactions.

Generating our own meaning in life

This is excellent!